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Technical due diligence for the mining industry

Technical due diligence within the mining industry seeks to identify and understand project technical risks and opportunities in conjunction with legal, commercial and financial due diligence.

John T. Boyd Company

Mining and Operations. We understand the mining industry from the technical side and from the business / financial perspective. BOYD's core business, since 1943, is the technical, operational, and financial assessment of reserves, mines and mining companies. BOYD has performed thousands of mining assignments, domestically and internationally.

Mergers and Acquisitions in Mining: a balanced …

Technical appraisal for mining projects A focused and balanced independent review of an acquirer and vendor's company or assets is a crucial step in the merger or acquisition process. Each mining project has its own issues and risks that require an experienced team which are material. During the appraisal process, independent reviewers are

Mining Company Appraisal | Mineral Valuation Specialists

From small privately owned mining companies to the nation's largest mining companies, we have provided a wide variety of mineral and mining valuation/appraisal and consulting services to …

The Importance of the Mine Manager and the Appraisal …

The Mine Manager's position is a critical technical position in the mining industry covering the production and safety issues of any mining company. The Mine Manager can assist in organizational growth through the performance of appraisals to subordinates. When the appraisals are conducted fairly and efficiently the mining

Competent Person's Report and Technical Due …

A TDD is a comprehensive appraisal of the technical aspects of a mining project, covering everything from geological and environmental, to operational and regulatory. The goal of a TDD is to identify potential risks and …

Mining Company Appraisal | Mineral Valuation Specialists

From small privately owned mining companies to the nation's largest mining companies, we have provided a wide variety of mineral and mining valuation/appraisal and consulting services to numerous clients in the mining industry. See a listing of our Services, Qualifications and Reports.

Mining Project Evaluation | SRK Consulting

SRK's mining project evaluation consists of integrated feasibility studies, due diligence assessments, economic evaluations and much more. ... Local project leaders specialize in coordinating and integrating information to appraise you of the technical issues within a business context and are well versed in international disclosure standards.

Mining Project Evaluation | SRK Consulting

Local project leaders specialize in coordinating and integrating information to appraise you of the technical issues within a business context and are well versed in international disclosure standards.


evaluate a mining project is the DCF method. In 1995, Bhappu and Guzman surveyed 20 mining companies located in the USA, Canada, Mexico, Australia, and Great Britain and obtained the results shown in Table 1(Bhappu and Guzman, 1995). Table 1. Priorities of 20 selected mining companies for investment decisions

Competent Person's Report and Technical Due Diligence in the Mining

A TDD is a comprehensive appraisal of the technical aspects of a mining project, covering everything from geological and environmental, to operational and regulatory. The goal of a TDD is to identify potential risks and opportunities that could affect the …

Mergers and Acquisitions in Mining: a balanced …

Technical appraisal for mining projects A focused and balanced independent review of an acquirer and vendor's company or assets is a crucial step in the merger or acquisition process. Each mining project has its own issues and risks that require an experienced team which are …

Message from the President, Mining Consultants, John T. Boyd Company

Message from the President. As the third generation to lead BOYD, I am proud of the industry leader reputation we have achieved. My grandfather set the building blocks and promoted a consulting company culture focused on long-term service to the mining industry - an ideology that my father, James W. Boyd, sustained during his leadership and one that I strive to perpetuate.

Technical Due Diligence Audit – Gustavson

A technical due diligence audit will establish accuracy of data and limit risk to your investors. Gustavson's understanding of complex international mining requirements combined with the …

John T. Boyd Company

BOYD's core business includes the analysis of reserves, mines and mining companies. We have performed thousands of mining valuation assignments, ranging from small parcels and individual items of equipment to substantial properties and complex entities …

Mining Operation Appraisals | Special Purpose Appraisals

Global Valuation & Consulting, LLC has valued numerous Mining Operations in the U.S. and various other countries. We subscribe to and have licensing agreements with the most up-to-date reports, surveys, software and technology to deliver the most reliable appraisal reports and business valuations.

Mining & Construction Equipment Appraisal | Certified …

Pacific Machine & Equipment Appraisal Co is a national, ASA member managed certified mining & construction equipment appraiser. Call Us: (800) 991-6523. ... mining and processing. We offer certified inspection-based and desktop appraisal services, in-depth industry resources, technical expertise and extensive field experience. Earth Moving ...

Mining Operation Appraisals | Special Purpose …

Global Valuation & Consulting, LLC has valued numerous Mining Operations in the U.S. and various other countries. We subscribe to and have licensing agreements with the most up-to-date reports, surveys, software and …

Due Diligence and Mining Project Evaluation – Global Mining …

Effective Due Diligence and thorough project evaluation are crucial for making informed decisions in mining investments. These processes help assess a mining project's potential, identifying key risks, evaluating economic feasibility, and ensuring …

Mineral Asset Valuation | Audit & Valuation | SRK

We combine a thorough understanding of international technical disclosure requirements (including the JORC, VALMIN, SAMVAL, and CIMVAL codes) and current best practice guidelines with commercial acumen to provide high …

John T. Boyd Company

BOYD's core business includes the analysis of reserves, mines and mining companies. We have performed thousands of mining valuation assignments, ranging from small parcels and …

Appraisals for Metals & Mining Companies

Appraisal Economics provides valuation services for leading companies in the metals and mining industry, including such firms as Alcoa, Arnold Magnetic Technologies, Bluegrass Materials, Johnson Matthey, and Northern Kentucky Aggregates, among others. Experience We serve a wide range of metals and mining companies that provide various goods and services, …

China Green League: Six scientific and technological …

Experts attending the appraisal (evaluation) of technical projects included academician Peng Suping of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, professor Tian Zijian of China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), professor Kou Jue of Beijing University of Science and Technology, senior engineer Zhang Yuansheng of Beijing Beikuang ...

Understanding NI 43-101 Technical Reports

This article delves into the nuances of the NI 43-101 Technical Report, a documentation essential for summarizing scientific and technical details associated with mineral exploration and developments. It emphasizes the …

Investment appraisal of mining capital projects

The level of growth in the mining industry correlates strongly with the growth of the broader global economy although with a noticeable lag in time. The globalisation of commodity markets now drives the approach to investment appraisal of major capital projects. Advancements in trade agreements, information systems, mining technology

Mining Operation Appraisals | Special Purpose Appraisals

Global Valuation & consulting, LLC's commercial appraisers have handled numerous mining operation appraisals in the U.S. and various other countries. Call us today! Direct 772.215.5738

Expert appraisal

Given this, mining insurance is a serious and vital consideration – one that also comes with a fairly high price tag. It is, however, a complex specialist area, as the risks associated with mining can be tough to place in the insurance market. After all, mining can generate some huge and high-profile losses.

Mineral Asset Valuation | Audit & Valuation | SRK

We combine a thorough understanding of international technical disclosure requirements (including the JORC, VALMIN, SAMVAL, and CIMVAL codes) and current best practice guidelines with commercial acumen to provide high quality, authoritative, impartial, and comprehensive valuation consulting.

John T. Boyd Company

John T. Boyd Company – Mining and Geological Consultant is a prominent international mining consultant providing mining valuation consulting services to a diverse mining, technical, financial, legal, government client base with locations in United States, Australia, China, Colombia.

Due Diligence and Mining Project Evaluation – …

Effective Due Diligence and thorough project evaluation are crucial for making informed decisions in mining investments. These processes help assess a mining project's potential, identifying key risks, evaluating economic feasibility, and …