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Greater Odds for Angina in Uranium Miners than Non …

INTRODUCTION. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in both men and women in the United States (U.S.), amounting to 610,000 deaths in 2015 (1, 2).It is the leading cause of death among blacks, Hispanics, and non-Hispanic whites, but is second to cancer among American Indians or Alaska natives as well as Asians or Pacific Islanders ().

Mining Diseases

Mining Diseases. Mining Safety and Welfare The first Workmen's Compensation Act of 1897 remunerated workmen for 'Accidental Injuries suffered in the course of their Employment', but it did not recognize industrial diseases. ... The 1934 Scheme covered miners working at any underground occupation, and in 1939 the period of claim was ...

Unraveling chromosomal and genotoxic damage in …

Chromosomal and genotoxic damage is an important step in carcinogenesis and the development of many other diseases. Our findings provide valuable insights into the effects of coal dust exposure on chromosomal integrity and genetic stability. ... Boyacá-Colombia, where underground mining operations are prevalent, leading to heightened ...

Health Problems from Mining

Long hours working underground with little light can harm vision. Working in very hot conditions without drinking enough water can cause heat stress. Signs of heat stress include: dizziness, weakness, rapid heartbeat, extreme thirst, and fainting.

5 Diseases and Risks Faced by the Miners

Keep reading to learn more about specific mining-related diseases and how best to prevent these concerns from occurring. 4 Health Concerns, Diseases and Risks Faced by the Miners. Mining health issues are an occupational hazard for miners, who in the past, were often required to work in a hazardous environment without adequate protection ...

Sunday Stone: An enduring metaphor of mining diseases and underground …

Request PDF | Sunday Stone: An enduring metaphor of mining diseases and underground mining conditions | The occupational hazards of miners include acute trauma and death from rock falls, water ...

Mining in Michigan and Respiratory Disease

Mining in Michigan and Respiratory Disease Historically mining in Michigan was a major industry in the Upper Peninsula. Most of the underground mines in the Upper Peninsula have closed. In Michigan in 2016, there were 413 active mines; two under- ... an underground coal mine, the Upper Big Branch Mine. This funding allows us to administer a ...

[Prevention of circulatory system diseases in underground mining

The article covers results of preventive measures in workers engaged into underground mining. Those measures are aimed to prevent occupationally mediated health disorders resulting in circulatory diseases. The prophylaxis was proven effective on premorbid condition--that was demonstrated in reliable …

Mining Health and Safety | Mining | CDC

Discover the leading cause of black lung disease and what NIOSH is doing to address this hazard. Oct. 9, 2024. Hearing Loss and Mining. ... Learn how NIOSH Mining is working to reduce respiratory hazards for mine workers. Sept. 18, 2024. NIOSH

Pneumoconiosis and Advanced Occupational Lung Disease …

Second, age and mining tenure were self-reported, which could affect comparisons of tenure-adjusted disease prevalence. Finally, estimates of the prevalence of CWP and PMF included assessment of miners with underground mining experience, 155 (6.9%) of whom had ≥25% of their total mining tenure in underground mines.

Monitoring and Sampling Approaches to Assess Underground Coal Mine …

Occupational exposure to RCMD has long been associated with lung diseases common to the coal mining industry, including coal workers' pneumoconiosis, also known as "black lung disease." Coal remains one of the principal sources of energy for the United States, and the nation has been a world leader in coal production for more than 100 years.

Modern coal miners suffering higher fatality rates …

Coal mine dust causes a range of lung diseases, collectively called coal mine dust lung diseases. Examples include coal workers' pneumoconiosis (CWP), a dust-induced scarring lung disease commonly called black lung), …

Black Lung | Mining | CDC

In underground and surface mining operations, respirable dust can be generated and expose workers during the extraction, transport, and processing of coal, ore, and stone. …

Coal Mine Dust Lung Disease. New Lessons from an Old …

The subject began underground coal mining at age 25 years in 1980. Surveillance radiograph showed category 1/1 pneumoconiosis at age 33 years (1988) and massive fibrosis at age 46 years (2001). ... a spectrum of overlapping diseases appropriately categorized as coal mine dust lung disease. Coal miners' lung diseases are not only of historic ...

Modern Coal Miners Have Higher Death Rates From Lung Diseases …

[6–8] Unfortunately, this has overshadowed the burden of other diseases that occur in coal miners. New research finds that coal miners are also at increased risk of death from other diseases, including COPD and lung cancer. Controlling exposures to respirable coal mine dust can help prevent these serious diseases. What We Did

Coal Mining Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities

• Anthracite mining: 4.7 per 100 full-time workers The number of median days away from work is a measure of the severity of injuries and illnesses. Workers in coal mining and bituminous coal underground mining were away from work due to occupational injuries or illnesses longer than the 8 median days experienced by all private industry workers.


During the extraction, transport, and processing of coal, ore, or stone in underground and surface mining operations, significant amounts of airborne respirable dust can be generated and expose workers. How are mineworkers affected? ... Once contracted, these lung diseases cannot be cured so the key is prevention through reduced dust exposure.

Sunday Stone an enduring metaphor of mining diseases and underground

Related References Korzeniowski, W. 2008: 21st world mining congress; New challenges and visions for mining, methods of underground and open pit mining Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi 24.4/3: 291

Current Review of Pneumoconiosis Among US Coal Miners

Prevalence of progressive massive fibrosis among working underground coal miners with 25 or more years of underground mining tenure participating in the Coal Workers' Health Surveillance Program in Kentucky, ia, and West ia, 1974–2018. ... Progressive massive fibrosis and coal mine dust lung disease: the continued resurgence of ...

Mine dust lung diseases

Find reporting on all cases of mine dust lung diseases across the coal, minerals and quarrying industries. ... The study found prevalence of CMDLD in Queensland for 2019/20 to be estimated at 2.1 cases per 1,000 coal mine workers, including both underground and surface miners.

Mining and Silicosis | Mining | CDC

During the extraction, transport, and processing of coal, ore, or stone in underground and surface mining operations, significant amounts of airborne respirable dust can be generated and expose workers. Controlling …

Analysis of Occupational Accidents in Underground and Surface Mining …

This study exposes the 20 most important association rules in the sector—either surface or underground mining—based on the statistical confidence levels of each rule as obtained by Weka. The outcomes display the most typical immediate causes, along with the percentage of accidents with a basis in each association rule. ...

Coal Mine Dust Lung Disease. New Lessons from an Old …

Individual miners often present with multiple effects of coal mine dust, including bronchitis, interstitial lung disease, and emphysema, a spectrum of overlapping diseases …

Sunday Stone: an enduring metaphor of mining diseases and underground …

Abstract The occupational hazards of miners include acute trauma and death from rock falls, water inundation, explosions and the long-term effects of progressive pulmonary disease. One of the most evocative of records of the dust-laden atmosphere in which coalminers work is Sunday Stone. Specimens of Sunday Stone are preserved in the Great North Museum, the 'Hancock', …


Results showed a significant increased risk of dying from lung cancer among miners who had ever worked underground. This risk increased as the miners' exposure to …

How Underground Mining is Made Possible

Because chronic exposure to respirable coal mine dust causes lung diseases that can lead to permanent disability and death, the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) considers respirable coal dust to be one of the most serious occupational hazards in the mining industry and issued a dust rule. ... Underground mining isn't a matter ...

[PDF] Lung Diseases in Surface, Underground Coal Mining …

It has been shown that freshly cut silica is more toxic than aged silica dust, and Chinese physicians have developed an effective whole lung lavage system to remove silica from the lungs and have reported important improvement in lung function. Black lung disease or pneumoconiosis recently has dramatically increased in certain areas of ia, West ia and Kentucky …


The two major categories of modern mining include surface mining and underground mining. In surface mining, the ground is blasted so that ores near Earth's surface can be removed and carried to refineries to extract the …

Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis and Other Mining …

Coal workers' pneumoconiosis (CWP) and other mining-related lung diseases are entirely preventable, yet continue to occur. While greater attention has been given to CWP and silicosis, mining exposures cause a broad spectrum of respiratory …