آخرین محصولات

Continuous-Time Prediction of Industrial Paste Thickener …

It is crucial to predict the outputs of a thickening system, including the underflow concentration (UC) and mud pressure, for optimal control of the process. The proliferation of industrial sensors and the availability of thickening-system data make this possible. However, the unique properties of thickening systems, such as the non-linearities, long-time delays, partially observed data, …

OneMine | Considerations and Parameters in Thickener …

In the minerals industry, thickeners are used in: clay sizing, coal refuse, heavy media, copper concentrates, copper tailings, gold flotation concentrates, and countercurrent decantation for …

Prediction of the UA for a continuous thickener treating …

The Thickener (1A) model is a more advanced one. It needs the results of a sedimentation test, and it is based on the continuous flux approach (Concha & Barrientos, 1993).In addition to sizing ...

Considerations And Parameters In Thickener Selection

A bewildering number of continuous thickeners and clarifiers are used in mineral industries and other heavy industries. General types are: 1. Conventional Thickeners (Fig. 1). 2. Thickeners …

How a Thickener Works

The invention of the Dorr thickener made possible the continuous dewatering of a dilute pulp whereby a regular discharge of a thick pulp of uniform density took place concurrently with an overflow of clarified solution. ... The …

A Critical Review of Thickener Design Methods t

According to Coe and Clevenger1l four distinct zones can be distinguished in a continuous thickener. At the top, there is a zone of clear liquid labeled zone I. This liquid, that has been …

Laboratory Testing for Design of Thickener Circuit

of a continuous thickener was deter- mined by some solids concentration in the thickener that was higher than the feed dilution. Hence, their procedure requires conducting a series of batch sedimentation tests of differ- ing densities in order to determine this limiting pulp density. Usually, six or more samples of the pulp in

Thickeners: learn about the most common types and the …

There are a few main types of thickener, including: Conventional continuous: it has a system for feeding and removing the thickened material, as well as devices for discharging …

thickeners & clarifiers

Thickener Mechanism The mechanism consists of the bridge, drive and ancillaries, lifting device, feedwell, torque tube and rake arms with blades. Bridge Bridge designs are available in a truss type or castellated beam, based on the application, thickener diameter and location. The MIP designs consider not only the customer's


Thickener options can conveniently be divided into four major types: Conventional or high-rate type; Rakeless ultra-high-rate type; High-density type; Deep-cone type; To illustrate the differences between these thickener types. …


Several types of thickeners have been developed and classified according to the arrangement of feed and discharge in the various compartments. For effective thickener control, key considerations are bed mass inventory, underflow density and flow, bed level, overflow …

Continuous-Time Prediction of Industrial Paste Thickener …

Results and Discussion 1) Main Results We investigate the influence of the types of ODE solvers YUAN et al.: CONTINUOUS-TIME PREDICTION OF INDUSTRIAL PASTE THICKENER SYSTEM WITH DIFFERENTIAL ODE-NET 693 TABLE II A Tabular Example of Paste Thickening System Dataset Collected timestamp Feed flow rate Feed concentration Mud pressure Rake …


Continuous thickeners have undergone several modifications that have resulted from the development of a wide variety of organic polymeric flocculants. As a result, there are now two …

Thickener in Textile : Types, Function, Roles and Uses

It is boiled with continuous stirring until a paste is obtained when the boiling is stopped and the paste is cooled with stirring; ... Every types of thickener play a crucial role in modern textile design. To enhance the fabric appearance, thickener is …

Thickening and Clarification

Thickeners are used in continuous process applications where liquid-solid separation by sedimentation is involved. Thickeners have three basic purposes: Concentration, or raising the density of a mixture of solids and liquids (feed …


From a metallurgical point, the exclusive design of the Spiral Rake imparts a continuous turning motion which conveys the thickened pulp from the outside of the tank to the center cone. The more quickly this settled material is raked to the discharge cone, the less chance there is for overload. ... Thickener Types. Thickener options have grown ...

Municipal Sludge Thickening Technologies | SpringerLink

The main factors that influence the selection of the thickener are sludge type, the size of the UWTP plant and the downstream process, the requested sludge concentration, footprint, investment, and operational costs. ... At a lower depth of the thickener, a continuous transition takes place from the supernatant zone to the sludge zone where ...

thickeners & clarifiers

Thickeners are used in continuous process applications where liquid-solid separation by sedimentation is involved. Concentration or raising the density of a mixture of solids and …

A Critical Review of Thickener Design Methods t

2. Macroscopic mass balance in a continuous thickener at steady state: Classical me­ thods of thickener design. Control variables QD Cite F3(x) h Zc Perturbation Intermediate variables Fig. 3 Variables in a continuous thickener. KONA No.ll (1993) 2.1 Mishler's method. The first equation to predict the capacity of a

OneMine | Considerations and Parameters in Thickener …

A bewildering variety of continuous thickeners and clarifiers are used in mineral industries and other heavy industries. ... Such factors multiply the decisions which must be made prior to the selection of a thickener. The seven types of thickeners listed above, with their variations, share design concepts which limit their application and ...


Thickener Types . Different thickener sizes, ... Pilot-scale continuous thickener te stwork can be conducted using larger r aked thickeners; these are .

Thickener modelling from laboratory experiments to full …

In some cases this was for a continuous thickener (Landman et al. 1988; Usher & Scales 2005; Lester et al. 2010). Diehl (2000) and Bustos et al. (1999) also looked at thickening of incompressible suspensions, although this is of no interest here. A typical output of a thickener model for a range of networked bed height conditions for a ...

Sludge Thickening

The type of thickening selected is usually determined by the size of a wastewater plant, its physical constraints and the downstream process. ... There are several factors that will affect the operation of the gravity thickener, including: the type of sludge being treated. ... Centrifuges operate as continuous feed units which remove solids by ...

Theory and Application of Thickener Design

Continuous sedimentation has an important role in coal preparation plants for clarifying and recycling the process water and reducing the volume of fine refuse for subsequent mechanical …