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Cement MCQ [Free PDF]

Explanation: Characteristics of an Ordinary Portland cement (OPC):. 1. It is available in 3 grades – OPC 33, OPC-43, and OPC-53, and the number 33, 43, 53 corresponds to 28 days characteristic compressive strength of cement as obtained from the standard test on cement. 2. Initial setting time shall not be less than 30 minutes and the final setting time should …

IS 4031-11 (1988): Methods of physical tests for …

Mass of cement in g Density = -- Displaced volume in cm* 6.1 Density of cement shall be determined on the material as received, unless otherwise speci- fied. If the density determination on a loss-free sztmple is required, the sample shall …


The workability test was taken as per IS CODE 456-2000. The test conduct are slump cone test and flow table test. The test result satisfied the water cement ratio 0.35. which was calculated from mix design using IS CODE 10262-2000. 3.8 Hardened concrete Test: As per IS CODE 456-2000 the hardened concrete test for

Characteristics of wood ash/OPC concrete

Bulk Density Test . Table 3 shows the result for the compacted bulk density of wood ash and aggregates. ... (AHA) as a partial replacement for Ordinary Portland cement (OPC). A designed ...

Bulk Density on OPC replacement | Download …

Figure 2 represent the bulk density of different OPC replaced fly ash paste specimens. It was found that the bulk density of the cement was much higher (1.32 gm/cc) compare to fly ash (0.96 gm/cc ...


OPC IS A PREMIUM PORTLAND CEMENT THAT IS IDEAL FOR A BROAD RANGE OF APPLICATIONS IN THE CONSTRUCTION, BUILDING, READYMIX, PRECAST AND CONCRETE PRODUCT ... Bulk density, as packed, kg/m3 ± 1500 Approximate Volume: 50 kg bag, ℓ ± 33 PPC CEMENT: OPC 52,5 N. Title: Building & pricing guide_2015_3.cdr

IS 12269 (1987): 53 grade ordinary Portland cement

of total cement) of the oxide, excluding any contained in insoluble residue referred to at Sl No. (iii) of Table 2. 6 PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS Ordinary Portland cement, 53 grade shall comply with the physical requirements given in Table 3. 7 STORAGE The cement shall be stored in such a manner as to permit easy access for proper inspection and

Specific Gravity Of Cement Test

Specific Gravity Of Cement Test: Apparatus/Material: 1. OPC (Ordinary portland cement). 2Le-Chatelier of 250 ml capacity / Pycnometer (100 ml).3. Kerosene


Ordinary portland cement is a cementing material obtained by fine grinding of portland clinkers with a little amount of gypsum to adjust the setting time and prevent flash setting. ... Density. The bulk density of OPC varies considerably depending on how it is stored and handled as voids are considered in it. ... Testing of cement should be ...

Characteristics of Wood ASH/OPC Concrete

The study presents the behaviour of wood ash / OPC concrete. Chemical analysis of wood ash, bulk density, sieve analysis and specific gravity of wood ash and aggregates, consistency, setting time and slump test of the fresh paste were conducted to determine the suitability of the materials for concrete making.

What Is Specific Gravity Cement | Why We Calculate Specific …

This specific gravity of cement is a need for mixture-proportioning calculations. This specific gravity of portland cement (without voids between particles) is about 3.15 and can be determined according to ASTM C188.. This density of the bulk cement (including voids between particles) varies considerably, depending on how it is handled and stored. For example, …

Density of Cement, Sand and Aggregate, Bulk Density of …

Density, also known as the unit weight, is the mass per unit volume of the material. The symbol RHO (ρ) denotes it. It explains the degree of compactness of a material. If the density of any substance is high, that means it is denser. Mass per unit volume of any construction material refers to its density. It is presented in Kg/…

Bulk density of concrete specimens with OPC replacements

Download scientific diagram | Bulk density of concrete specimens with OPC replacements from publication: Comparative study on physical and mechanical properties of high Slump and zero slump high ...

UltraTech OPC Cement

Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) is the most commonly used cement for a wide range of applications. It ranges from RCC, and masonry to plastering, precast, and prestress works. This cement is used in the production of ordinary, …


Ordinary Portland Cement is the most important cement type as it is widely used and all the research and tests on cement are carried out on OPC in general. Altering the …

The bulk density of commonly available ordinary cement is:

The followings are the parameters and properties of cement: 1. Bulk density of cement = 1440 kg/m 3. 2. Specific gravity of cement = 3.15. 3. Weight of one bag of cement = 50 kg. 4. Volume of cement bag = 50/1440 = 0.035 m 3. Additional Information . The absolute density of different concrete materials are as follows:

Full article: Optimization of concrete mix design for …

Ordinary Portland Cement Type II (CEM II) with a specific gravity of 3.15 and a 42.5 R grade was utilized, following the ASTM C-150/C-150M-21a standard. ... Bulk density test (ASTM C29) Specific gravity test (ASTM C128) Hydrometer test (ASTM C128) Los Angeles abrasion (ASTM C131) Aggregate crushing value (ACV) (BS 812)

What is Cement Density? Definition, Formula

Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) Density. Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) stands as the stalwart in construction materials, renowned for its versatility and widespread use. The density of OPC typically ranges between …

Characteristics of Wood ASH/OPC Concrete

Bulk Density Test Table 3 shows the result for the compacted bulk density of wood ash and aggregates. The bulk density of wood ash was found to be 760 kg/m3. Table 3. Compacted Bulk Density of Materials Wood Ash Sand Gravel Data Test 1 Test 2 Test 1 Test 2 Test 1 Test 2 Weight of empty cylinder (w1) [kg] 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.35

Density of Cement Sand and Aggregate

Density of Opc Cement in Kg/m³: Density of OPC cement is 1440 Kg/m 3. Bulk Density of Coarse Aggregate: Usually used for coarse aggregate-weight concrete varies between 1200-1750 Kg/m 3 or 75 to 110 lb/ft 3. Bulk Density of Sand Kg /m³: Commonly used in normal-weight concrete is between 1520-1680 kg/m 3 (95-105 lb/ft 3).

OPC Cement | Types of OPC, 4 Manufacturing Steps

OPC cement is Ordinary Portland Cement and in general concrete construction when there is no exposure to sulfates in the soil or groundwater OPC is the most common. Now Trending: ... Bulk Density. 830 to 1650 kg/m3: Soundness: 2.5 mm . Advantages of Ordinary Portland cement (OPC)

Densitas, Nilai Slump, Dan Kuat Tekan Beton OPC Dan …

This research study aimed to test the density of fresh concrete, slump value and compressive ... digunakan adalah semen ordinary portland cement (OPC) produksi PT. Semen Padang, ... Bulk spesific gravity on dry c. Bulk spesific gravity on SSD …

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Ordinary Portland Cement -Constituents, Properties, Types …

Material Testing Guide; Mix Design Guide; Rate Analysis; Geotechnical. Foundation Engineering; ... Bulk Density: 830-1650 kg/m 3: Manufacture of OPC cement ... Ordinary Portland cement is one of the most widely used type of Cement. Types, properties, constituents, manufacture, uses and advantages of Ordinary Portland Cement is discussed. ...

A Comparative Study ON Mechanical Properties of OPC …

The main differences between Ordinary Portland Cement and Ordinary Portland Special cements is ... Bulk Density 1.69 1.67 Water Absorption ----- 0.5% Agg. Impact Value ----- 24% ... Compressive strength test for OPC 53 & OPC 53 S Cement Compressive strength in N/mm2 Different % of GGBS for OPC 53 & OPC S53 Cemnt. ISSN(Online) : 2319-8753 ...

What is the Density of Cement? : Particle Density …

The density of cement is 1440 kg/m³. This is a bulk density of cement commonly used in civil engineering estimations, numerical, or other field works. The density of cement varies with the material from which it is …

Physical properties of P.O 42.5 ordinary Portland cement.

P.O 42.5 ordinary Portland cement produced by Lantian Yaobai Special Cement Group Co., Ltd., its physical properties and chemical composition are shown in Table 1 and Table 2.

Density of Cement Sand Aggregate & Steel

As mentioned earlier, the density of cement (OPC), which is the most common type of cement used in construction, is around 3.15 g/cm³ or 3,150 kg/m³. Sand is a commonly used construction material that is used as a fine aggregate in …

Ordinary Portland Cement | Aso Cement

Testing result (example) Item: Ordinary Portland Cement: JIS * Standards (JIS R 5210) Density (g/cm 3) ... Our Ordinary Portland Cement is available in bulk, flexible containers and 25 kg bags. Note: Availability of products and packing types varies from region to region. Please contact your nearest branch office for further information.

Bulk density of mortars. | Download Table

In [7], the authors reported a decrease in the mechanical strengths (tensile and flexural) and fracture parameters due to replacement of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) with glass waste at 3-20 wt ...