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Mining and Jurisprudence: Observations for India's …

Mining and Jurisprudence: Observationsfor India's mining sector to improve environmental and social performance Introduction Over the past decade, India's mining sector, including the non-fuel ...

Environmental Issues of Deep-Sea Mining

Morgan C. Environmental impacts of deep-ocean mining – the importance of manganese. In: R.A. Geyer (Editor) Marine Environmental Pollution (2), Dumping and Mining, Elsevier Oceanography Series, Elsevier, New York 1981, 415-435.

The Environmental Problems Caused by Mining | Earth.Org

A village was set up to support 15,000 miners working in the ruby mine near Ambatondrazaka, Madagascar. Photo: Pardieu et al. (2017). However, compared to many other industries such as agriculture, mining uses relatively small pockets of land, and the future of mining could move to using techniques that are arguably even less invasive on the …

Impact of Coal Mining on Environment

In this way, coal mining has multi-dimensional impacts on the environment both directly or indirectly. Th e pr esent wor k is an attempt to bring into focus the impact of coal minin g on the

(PDF) Environmental Impact Assessment of Mining …

This paper throws light on the burning issues of mining, their impact on the environment and the laws governing the mining activities in India.

Impact of Mining on Tribal Socio-economic and …

In view of the above problems, the present paper is aimed to provide basic information on mining and its importance as well as reasons for mining in tribal areas. Besides, it also aims to highlight the impact of mining on tribal people and the problems of rehabilitation programmes. HISTORY OF MINING INDUSTRY IN INDIA

Environmental impact and health risk assessment due to coal mining …

The Special Issue on "Environmental Impact and Health Risk Assessment Due to Coal Mining and Utilization" contains 26 different research papers from all over the world, including India, China, Republic of Korea, UK, Pakistan, Italy, Romania, Ecuador, Bangladesh, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, South Africa, and Malaysia (Fig. 1). These papers ...

EIACP (PC-RP) on Environmental Problems of Mining

The subject area of the centre is "Environmental problems of Mining". The centre works toward the collection, storage, retrieval and dissemination of information in the area of mining environment. ... reclamation, environmental management, socio-economic environment, solid waste management, impact assessment, mine spoil amendment, health ...

CAG report on Assessment of Environmental Impact due …

CAG Audit Report 2 of 2019 on "Assessment of Environmental Impact due to Mining Activities and its Mitigation in Coal India Limited and its Subsidiaries" was laid in Parliament …

The Indian mining sector and its environmental …

The key environmental impacts of mining are on wildlife and fishery habitats, the water balance, local climates & the pattern of rainfall, sedimentation, the depletion of forests and the disruption of the ecology.

Coal Mining and Local Environment: A Study in Talcher

The study by Deonandan and Dougherty 15 of mining impacts in Latin America raised a range of questions about the practices of mining companies on the ground, and the impacts of mining on host communities in terms of livelihood and capabilities are very critical. They mention that century of mining operations is the reason for the disappearance ...

(PDF) Environmental Hazards of Limestone …

In this paper, we have reviewed the status of limestone mining and its environmental implications in Meghalaya, India. Results on impact of limestone mining on quality of water, soil and air ...

(PDF) Mining and its Impacts on Environment …

As iron ore is an essential raw material for the iron and steel industry, many Iron and Steel plants are established in Ballari district. In this study, the impacts of iron ore mining on environmental issues such as air, water, soil, and health on the …

The Indian Mining Sector: Effects on the Environment …

The mining sector in India is plagued several environmental and health- and safety- related problems. Several accidents have taken place in underground and surface mines like coal and stone mines in the last few years, which have killed scores of mineworkers. An example of environmental damage by a mining company in India is the

Environmental degradation in India's oldest coal mining …

Decades of unabated coal mining can irreversibly change the character of an area and that is the story of Raniganj Coalfields, India's oldest coalfield area spread over West Bengal and parts of Jharkhand. Although mining started in this area in 1774, environmental degradation worsened when open-cast mines made their appearance 30 years ago.


committee under its member Anwarul Hoda to recommend changes in the mining policy and laws to address issues ranging from non-transparency in allocation of mineral resources and illegal mining to addressing the social and environmental impacts of mining. Graph 1.2:Contribution of minerals to value 68.0 21.0 2.0 9.0

Mining Sector in India

Mining also puts the lives of miners at risk due to the rudimentary ways adopted and the absence of adequate safety gear and protocols. For instance, mine-related accidents at Ksan coal mine in Meghalaya- Jaintia Hills …

Impacts of Coal mining: a Review of Methods and …

For a genuine and thorough interpretation of coal mining impacts, it is quite important to understand the direct as well as the far-reaching environmental and social consequences of coal mining.

Coal mining in northeast India: an overview of …

Depending on the nature, origin and seam arrangement of a coal reserve, mining method adopted on the site varies. These cumulative factors determine the impacts of coal mining on environment. To minimize the level of impact or to …

Mining Sector in India

The Legislative Framework of Mining Sector in India. The entry at serial No. 23 of List II ... Environmental/Health issues. Environmental pollution has been caused by the Makrana marble mines in Rajasthan, ... Proper environmental impact assessment (EIA) and social impact assessment (SIA) must be conducted before allocating the projects. ...


India plans to construct numerous nuclear plants and uranium mines across the country, which could have significant environmental, health, and social impacts. The national Environmental Impact ...

The Indian Mining Sector: Effects on the Environment …

The key environmental impacts of mining are on wildlife and fishery habitats, the water balance, local climates & the pattern of rainfall, sedimentation, and the depletion of forests and the …

Impact of Mining on Tribal Socio-economic and …

Planned development in India brought in its wake the establishment of large-scale projects in power generation, mining, industry, infrastructure development, irrigation, in addition to …

Impact of Stone Mining on the Health and Environment: A …

In this paper, we have reviewed the status of limestone mining and its environmental implications in Meghalaya, India. Results on impact of limestone mining on quality of water, soil and air ...

India's Mining Sector: Towards a Sustainable and …

Mining is an important activity for India. With 3527 mining leases for 40 major minerals, extending a total lease area of roughly 315,986 hectares, India is a major producer of crucial minerals. The mineral resource sector has …

Impacts of Coal mining: a Review of Methods and Parameters Used in India

For a genuine and thorough interpretation of coal mining impacts, it is quite important to understand the direct as well as the far-reaching environmental and social consequences of coal mining.

(PDF) Impact of coal mining and mine fires on the …

Environmental impacts in mining areas constitute landscape transformation, water pollution from tailing ponds, ... the potential for problems can be significant. In India, large numbers of people ...

Socio-Economic Impacts of Mining on Local Livelihoods …

Mining in India, therefore, is not a simple 'dig and sell' proposition as it is made out to be by industry. It is, in fact, a highly complex socio-economic and environmental challenge: at stake …

Coal mining in northeast India: an overview of …

Northeast India has a good deposit of sub-bituminous tertiary coal. The northeast Indian coals have unusual physico-chemical characteristics such as high sulfur, volatile matter and vitrinite ...

Regulation of the Mining Sector in India – Environmental Law

The unregulated and large scale mining of sand, gravel and stones across riverbeds in India is not devoid of environmental and social impacts. It causes erosion of the river beds and often times leaves the river-plains much more vulnerable to flooding with the loose land mass being swept away, especially in monsoons.