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Australia, thick single gently sloping seams are mined as the most profitable, although authors stress that further prospects of underground coal mining, including near, are related to mining seam formations in undermining and overmining conditions (Gale, 2015). The interaction of superimposed seams is one of

OneMine | Underground Mining of Thick Coal Seams

The underground production of coal from what are considered to be thick seams is over 300 million tons per year. Methods of mining have evolved, through years of trials and tribulations, capable of meeting the requirements of a modern mine: high bulk outputs from a limited number of mining faces by concentrating in the horizontal (mechanization ...

Multi-seam coal mining

No. 2 and No. 4 seam. Multi-seam mining The mining of multiple seams has long been practised at the Khutala Colliery. By definition, 'multi-seam coal mining' is the mining of coal seams that overlay each other in a vertical depositional sequence. The seams are separated by rock strata known as parting3. The area of investigation for the new ...


Downward mining is the most frequent in mining superimposed seams, applicable in any conditions. Upward mining is less frequent and is applied as a rule only when interseam …

(PDF) Selection of Thick Coal Seam Mining Method Using …

In this study AHP is employed to select the mining method in a thick coal seam. The proposed approach starts with identifying the alternative mining methods that are applicable in …

Underground methods of extraction of thick coal seams—a global survey

Instead of seeking to evaluate the wide array of techniques used for underground exploitation of thick coal seams according to any judgmental technique or one of standardised evaluation, it is intended to examine here critically the status of develop- ment of different thick seam methods.

(PDF) Selection of Thick Coal Seam Mining Method Using …

In this study AHP is employed to select the mining method in a thick coal seam. The proposed approach starts with identifying the alternative mining methods that are applicable in thick...

Overburden fracture evolution laws and water

Considering the danger of water inrush in mining very thick coal seam under water-rich roof in Majialiang Coal Mine, the universal discrete element (UDEC) software was used to simulate the overburden fracture evolution laws when mining 4# coal seam. Besides, this study researched on the influence of face advancing length, speed and mining height on the height …

Thick Seam Mining | PDF | Coal Mining

The document discusses methods for mining thick coal seams. It describes slice mining where a thick seam is divided into slices that are each mined separately using methods like bord and pillar or longwall mining. Longwall mining with …

Underground mining of thick coal seams

This paper reviews underground mining methods for total thickness of a thick coal seam in single lift (TTTCSSL). Review shows the required engineering for extraction of thick seams needs to be fitted with thickness of the seam, behavior of rock-mass and surrounding stress conditions for efficient mining.

How we mine

Our mining methods are very different to most South African deep level underground gold mines. ... the risk of rock bursts. Massive mining refers to mining that takes place on a large scale, as opposed to narrow seam mining. A rock burst is a spontaneous and often violent rock failure – a seismic event that is induced by mining - which can ...

OneMine | Underground Mining of Thick Coal Seams

The underground production of coal from what are considered to be thick seams is over 300 million tons per year. Methods of mining have evolved, through years of trials and tribulations, …

Coal mining

In underground coal mining, the working environment is completely enclosed by the geologic medium, which consists of the coal seam and the overlying and underlying strata.Access to the coal seam is gained by suitable openings from the surface, and a network of roadways driven in the seam then facilitates the installation of service facilities for such essential …

The Thin Coal Seam (TCS) Mining Technology for Open …

makes it even more impossible to economically mine the TCSs with selective mining. The surface coal mining method is usually selected basedontherockhardnessandinter-burdenthickness. As can be seen in Fig. 2, when the coal seam is less than 2 m thick, mining with plough is only applicable when the hardness of rock is less than 40 MPa. This

Overburden fracture evolution laws and water

Majialiang Coal Mine is located in the south of Shuozhou city, Shanxi province, which is the first productive mine of Shuonan mining area in Ningwu Coalfield. 4# coal seam was mined in 14101 mining face. The seam has a thickness of 4.0–11.0 m, and 9.1 m on average. The dip angle of the seam is 3–8°, with an average of 5°.


mining are becoming fewer in number, mining methods for safe and effective underground winning of coal are going to play an important role in future coal production. In India, coal seams of 4.8m thickness or higher are called thick.

Underground mining of thick coal seams

This paper reviews underground mining methods for total thickness of a thick coal seam in single lift (TTTCSSL). Review shows the required engineering for extraction of thick seams needs to be fitted with thickness of the seam, behavior of rock-mass and surrounding …

A Critical Review of Indian Underground Thick Coal …

Thick seams of shallow cover depth can be extracted with open cast mining, whereas, deeper coal seams are more expensive to extract and not viable (Rakesh et al., 2015).

An Evaluation Of Underground Mining Technology For Western Thick …

Though deep mining activity in the west is very limited and accounts for less than 2% of the annual production, the primary reason, quite probably, is the greater thickness of the seams as compared to those found in the East.

An Evaluation Of Underground Mining Technology For …

Though deep mining activity in the west is very limited and accounts for less than 2% of the annual production, the primary reason, quite probably, is the greater thickness of the seams as …


Downward mining is the most frequent in mining superimposed seams, applicable in any conditions. Upward mining is less frequent and is applied as a rule only when interseam thickness is over 6 thicknesses of seam.

Underground mining of thick coal seams | Semantic Scholar

DOI: 10.1016/J.IJMST.2015.09.003 Corpus ID: 110367926; Underground mining of thick coal seams @article{Kumar2015UndergroundMO, title={Underground mining of thick coal seams}, author={Rakesh Kumar and Ashutosh Kumar Singh and Arvind Kumar Mishra and Rajendra Singh}, journal={International journal of mining science and technology}, year={2015}, …

Underground methods of extraction of thick coal seams—a …

Instead of seeking to evaluate the wide array of techniques used for underground exploitation of thick coal seams according to any judgmental technique or one of standardised …

Predicting the Height of the Water-Conducting …

nized top coal caving longwall mining of extra thick coal seams. In this study, the nearest neighbor bootstrap regres-sion (NNBR) model was introduced to predict the height of the WCFZ, and a fully mechanized top coal caving longwall mine with a very large mining height was taken as an exam-ple. The NNBR model is based on the similarity principle.

OneMine | Underground Mining of Thick Coal Seams

"The success or failure of coal mining operations in Western Canada may hinge on the ability to extract thick coal under a variety of geological and mining circumstances and conditions. The paper presents, in who-where, what- how pattern, the current status of undergrounud mining of thick coal seams based on a review of foreign technical literature. The underground production …

(PDF) Underground mining of thick coal seams

Review shows the required engineering for extraction of thick seams needs to be fitted with thickness of the seam, behavior of rock-mass and surrounding stress conditions for efficient...


mining are becoming fewer in number, mining methods for safe and effective underground winning of coal are going to play an important role in future coal production. In India, coal …

Anthracite Mine Timbering Methods

Where slate exists over the coal, and is not more than 3 inches thick, the best plan is to bar it down and gob it. Where the slate is from 3 to 6 inches thick, a single row of props along the gob side of the room track may be sufficient. If the roof is poor or the slate is very thick, extra long cap pieces may be used to give greater bearing ...

The Thin Coal Seam (TCS) Mining Technology for Open Pit …

Coal seam that is thinner than a certain value is defined as thin coal seams (TCS). It commonly occurs in China as it covers 84.2% of the mining area. This situation is even severe in China's large surface coal mines, in which TCS accounts for 10–50% of the total reserve. Most TCS cannot be feasibly mined due to the working conditions of commonly used mining …


The process flow sheets are proposed for mining low-strength coal seams, which include water infusion into the coal seam ahead of the longwall face using mine water or solutions based on mine...