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Holcim was established in 1929 as one of the leading cement companies in Lebanon. Holcim Lebanon combines the production and marketing activities, for grey and white cement, through its grey cement plant in Chekka and its subsidiaries Société Libanaise des Ciments Blancs (SLCB) and Bogaz Endustrive ve Madencilik (BEM).

Chekka's new process core from International Cement Review

Holcim's Chekka cement plant in Lebanon upgrades to the Siemens' Cemat 7 and PCS 7 process control technology. ... Holcim upgrades the Simatic DCS in its Chekka plant, Lebanon, in record time with the help of Siemens Solutions Partner Esprocessing. The upgrade delivered a new control system to the Lebanese plant in a two-phase project that saw ...

Risk assessment of asbestos-cement roof sheets in …

indicated that outdoor asbestos-cement facades repre-sented a significant source of airborne fibers. In Lebanon, asbestos-cement products were manufactured in an asbestos-cement factory established since 1950 in the urban-industrial city of Chekka, North Lebanon. The factory used mixtures of different asbestos

Cement plant information for Holcim (Liban) S.A.L.

Cement plant information including location and capacity for Holcim (Liban) S.A.L. - Chekka Grey. Menu Cemtech MEA 2025; International Cement Review; Plant Data; Subscribe Login. Close. Publications International Cement Review (ICR) ... Lebanon . Status: Cement Type: Type Of Works: Cement Capacity: This interactive map requires

Cement plant information for Holcim (Liban) S.A.L.

Cement plant information including location and capacity for Holcim (Liban) S.A.L. - Chekka White

Holcim Liban S.A.L

Holcim Lebanon combines the production and marketing activities, for grey and white cement, through its grey cement plant in Chekka and its subsidiaries Société Libanaise des Ciments Blancs (SLCB) and Bogaz …


achieve conservation of important areas for plant diversity, it may not always be possible to formally protect an IPA. Lebanon is an important area for plant diversity. Scientist estimate that there are close to 400,000 plant species in the world. These plants species are not evenly distributed, but instead are clustered across the globe.

Everything you need to know about Middle East Standards …

There are four major cement plants operating in Lebanon with an annual production capacity of cement close to 4.5 million tons. One of the oldest cement production plants in the Middle East was commissioned in Chekka, northern Lebanon in 1929; this plant was renamed in …

Cement News tagged : Lebanon

Licence for cement plant project revoked in Lebanon 01 April 2019, Published under Cement News Lebanon's Industry Minister, Wael Abu Faour, has revoked the licence of a cement plant planned for Ain Dara, Aley district. The decision comes after a protest by local residents last month, who disputed the project for environmental reasons.

Holcim Lebanon responds to allegations regarding …

Holcim Lebanon responds to allegations regarding environmental abuse at its Chekka cement plant Date: 10 Sep 2017 Content Type: Company Response; شاهد: أهل الكورة يحتجون على اعتداءات مصانع إسمنت شكا على البيئة والصحة العامة Date: 20 Aug 2017 Content Type: Article

index | Sibline

SIBLINE is one of the major clinker and cement producers in the Republic of Lebanon. Sibline currently produces 3,400 tons of clinker per day. Thus, resulting with an annual production of cement exceeding 1.35 Million tons. In addition, SO.IME Liban sal, a subsidiary company of SIBLINE, produces ready-mix concrete at an annual capacity of 200,000m3.

It Is Possible, Watch It Here; The Rehabilitation of Holcim

Aiming at showing a real life model of a rehabilitated quarry and help the private sector to understand the challenges behind quarry rehabilitation, the International Union for Conservation of Nature – Regional Office for West Asia (IUCN ROWA) worked with Holcim Lebanon, the oldest cement company in the region, in rehabilitating a limestone quarry in …

Holcim White Cement › Go Batroun

Holcim Lebanon combines the production and marketing activities, for grey and white cement, through its grey cement plant in Chekka and its subsidiaries Société Libanaise des Ciments Blancs (SLCB) and Bogaz …

Cement plant information for Holcim (Liban) S.A.L.

Cement plant information including location and capacity for Holcim (Liban) S.A.L. - Chekka White. Menu Cemtech MEA 2025; International Cement Review; Plant Data; Subscribe Login. Close. Publications International Cement Review (ICR) ... Lebanon . Status: Cement Type: Type Of Works: Cement Capacity: This interactive map requires

Quarry Rehabilitation Project in Chekka

Holcim was established in 1929 as one of the leading cement companies in Lebanon. Holcim Lebanon combines the production and marketing activities, for grey and white cement, through its grey cement plant in Chekka and its …

Cimenterie Nationale | Contact Us

Cement Mills; Packing Plant; Maintenance Workshops; Instrumentation & Automation Department; Power Generation; Electrical Department; Metal Construction Workshop ... Contact us. Home; Contact Us; Contact information. Plant. Address: Chekka. Tel: +961 6 542 120/30/40. Fax: +961 6 540 288 - 545 088. View on map. Headquarters. Address: Yarze ...

Cimenterie Nationale | Home

While some believe that Lebanon is an exception in having cement manufacturing plants in proximity of villages and large cities, the reality is that even in some of the most developed and …


Lebanon: Cimenterie Nationale has announced that it will dispatch its last batch of cement for the foreseeable future on 6 March 2021. The L'Orient-Le Jour newspaper has reported the cause for the stoppage as the exhaustion of stocks of raw materials. The Lebanese government suspended access by cement producers to their quarries in October 2020.

White Cement

Holcim was established in 1929 as one of the leading cement companies in Lebanon. Holcim Lebanon combines the production and marketing activities, for grey and white cement, through its grey cement plant in Chekka and its subsidiaries Société Libanaise des Ciments Blancs (SLCB) and Bogaz Endustrive ve Madencilik (BEM).

Our products

Holcim Lebanon combines the production and marketing activities, for grey and white cement, through its grey cement plant in Chekka and its subsidiaries Société Libanaise des Ciments …

Holcim Lebanon

Holcim Lebanon combines the production and marketing activities, for grey and white cement, through its grey cement plant in Chekka and its subsidiaries Société Libanaise …

Cimenterie Nationale Factory in Chekaa, Lebanon

Chekaa cement plant - Source: https:// As the …

Risk assessment of asbestos-cement roof sheets in Chekka, North Lebanon

Assessment of the asbestos-cement rooftop friability and the possible emerging risks in the urban-industrial city of Chekka, North Lebanon showed how hazard potential was amplified by vulnerability of population to possible fiber emission. Asbestos-cement was manufactured and used in Lebanon since the early 1950s. Corrugated rooftops of asbestos-cement were mostly …


Holcim Lebanon combines the production and marketing activities, for grey and white cement, through its grey cement plant in Chekka and its subsidiaries Société Libanaise des Ciments …

Risk assessment of asbestos-cement roof sheets in Chekka, North Lebanon

Asbestos-cement was manufactured and used in Lebanon since the early 1950s. Corrugated rooftops of asbestos-cement were mostly spread within residential areas throughout the country. These rooftops are subject to weathering factors which are known to increase friability and risk of hazardous fiber r …

Lebanon: Chekka inaugurates new bag filter

Cimenterie Nationale has inaugurated the new bag filter at its Chekka plant. The new filter will reduce SOx and NOx emissions to 15mg/m3, well below the international norm of 50mg/m3. At the c...

Holcim Lebanon

Holcim Lebanon was established in 1929 as one of the leading cement companies in Lebanon. Holcim Lebanon combines the production and marketing activities, for grey and white cement, through its grey cement plant in Chekka and its subsidiaries Société Libanaise des Ciments Blancs (SLCB) and Bogaz Endustrive ve Madencilik (BEM). Holcim (Liban) s.a.l. and …

Bringing an old quarry to life

Cimenterie Nationale owns a 3Mta cement plant in Chekka, Lebanon. To mitigate the environmental impact of the production facility and in particular, its quarrying operations, the company has developed an environmental mitigation plan and is working on creating a rich ecological reserve.

Satellite photo showing the Chekka region and the position …

In North Lebanon, the region of Chekka represents a group of villages scattered around an industrial complex of cement factories and a chemical fertilizer industry.

Holcim White Cement

Holcim Lebanon was established in 1929 as one of the leading cement companies in Lebanon. Holcim Lebanon combines the production and marketing activities, for grey and white cement, through its grey cement plant in Chekka and its subsidiaries Société Libanaise des Ciments Blancs (SLCB) and Bogaz Endustrive ve Madencilik. Holcim and its subsidiary SLCB are