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Snowflake Gold Mine Near Nome, Alaska | The Diggings™
Gold mining deposit report for "Deposit #Usgs10002075" (#USGS10002075) in Nome County, Alaska.
Alaska Mining Claims Mapper
The Alaska Mining Claims Mapper is a custom view of land-records data related to mining that is provided by the Alaska Mapper application. Alaska Mapper is a web-based geographic information system (GIS) that allows you to locate Alaska land-records information by …
We have confirmed the addition of 4 dredge claims in Nome Alaska. These are very good river claims just outside of town a few miles. Available for dredging with up to a 6″, or with an additional permit (about $50) …
Nome Offshore Placer Deposits In Nome, Alaska
The Nome Offshore Placer Deposits are located in Nome, Alaska, within the renowned Nome Mining District. These deposits are a significant source of magnetite, gold, and ilmenite, with the predominant waste material being garnet.
Nome Mining Claim Access over ANCSA Lands
Nome Mining Claim Access over ANCSA Lands - 2015. This project was a referral from David Manzer of Alaska Land Status, Inc. The client owned and operated several placer gold mining claims in the Nome vicinity.
Mineral Property Management – Alaska Division of Mining, …
Under Alaska mining laws (AS 38.05.185-275) and regulations (11 AAC 86.100-600) (links: AS 38.05.185-275 and 11 AAC 86.100-600), there are three general kinds of …
Annual Mining Reclamation Awards
Anchorage, AK 99501 (907) 269-8642. Fairbanks Office Mine Permitting 3700 Airport Way Fairbanks, AK 99709 (907) 458-6896. Surface Mining 550 West 7th Ave, Suite 900D ... This Award recognizes Steve Pomrenke's reclamation accomplishments on private mining claims that he operated near Nome, Alaska.
Nome Gold Beaches
I have been looking up GPAA claims in Alaska, and didn't find any in the area of Nome. If there is any new claims in Nome, please let me know, as I would love to go there this season coming up, I know GPAA used to have access to the Beaches of Nome, because I used to watch the show on PBS that featured George "Buzzard" Massey, founder of ...
Mining In Nome County, Alaska
1,228 records of mining mines in Nome County, Alaska. 351 records of prospects; 330 records of mineral occurrences of observable ore mineralization. ... The Diggings™ is a resource for locating where mining claims are and have been. Discover mining activity in your area and find new regions of opportunity. Read More About Us. About.
Mineral Property Management – Alaska Division of Mining, …
Under Alaska mining laws (AS 38.05.185-275) and regulations (11 AAC 86.100-600) (links: AS 38.05.185-275 and 11 AAC 86.100-600), there are three general kinds of mining locations: mining claims, leasehold location and prospecting sites.
Nome Mining Claim Access over ANCSA Lands
Nome Mining Claim Access over ANCSA Lands - 2015. This project was a referral from David Manzer of Alaska Land Status, Inc. The client owned and operated several placer gold mining …
Nome Gold Beaches
I have been looking up GPAA claims in Alaska, and didn't find any in the area of Nome. If there is any new claims in Nome, please let me know, as I would love to go there this …
Wyoming Gold Mine Near Nome, Alaska | The Diggings™
Gold mining deposit report for "Deposit #Usgs10308670" (#USGS10308670) in Nome County, Alaska.
Alaska Mining & Diving Classifieds
Alaska's List is a huge, online classifieds service, featuring hundreds of mining and diving items for sale by users throughout the Greatland and beyond. Clean, well-organized, and professionally moderated, Alaska's List is classifieds done right!
Nome Offshore Mining – Alaska Division of Mining, Land, …
Nome, Alaska is located on the Seward Peninsula and is not accessible by road. This means all material must be barged or flown in. There are many mining opportunities offshore off Nome in Norton Sound including two public mining areas, 89 …
Alaska Mines For Sale
The area is rich in gold mining history, beginning in 1910. Anvil Creek Claims – 860 Acres; Ophir Creek Claims – 720 Acres for a Total of 1580 Acres Anvil Creek is around 2 1/2 miles long. 5,000 lineal feet of creek channel ground left to be placer mined, along …
For fortune hunters dredging Alaska's Bering Sea floor for …
T he lure of gold that brought thousands of fortune hunters to the northwest edge of the continent a century ago remains powerful in Nome, the hub town for Alaska's Bering Strait region.. Among those who felt the pull was Alexei Klutchnikov. Last fall, while standing on the deck of his converted fishing boat — part of an armada of vessels retrofitted with equipment to …
We have confirmed the addition of 4 dredge claims in Nome Alaska. These are very good river claims just outside of town a few miles. Available for dredging with up to a 6″, or with an additional permit (about $50) you can use an 8″!.
Alaska Placer Mining Operations and Claims 2020
You can prospect, explore, claim, access, develop, and extract minerals from all federal lands under the General Mining Law of 1872 as amended, except for those lands designated for other uses, such as parks or wilderness areas. The BLM administers subsurface mineral mining claims on all federal lands. This includes adjudication of mining claims,
Who owns the offshore gold mining claims in …
The short answer is this: they aren't (for the most part) privately-owned "claims" as portrayed on the show. The mining rights on "claims" featured in BSG are actually owned by the state of Alaska and sold as 10-year "non …
Alaska Federal Mining Claim Information
Federal Mining Claims Information for Alaska Mining claim rights are valid against a challenge by the United States and other claimants only after the discovery of a valuable mineral deposit.
Nome County, Alaska Mines | The Diggings™
Nome, AK County, Alaska Location. Beryllium, Copper, and Fluorine-Fluorite Commodity. Mine Development Status. ... The Diggings™ is a resource for locating where mining claims are and have been. Discover mining activity in your area and find new regions of opportunity. Read More About Us. About. Getting Started.
Department of Natural Resources
mining claims it is the miners' responsibility to determine the GPS coordinates of their claim boundaries and ... Nome, AK 99762 The Bering Straits Native Corporation and the Nome Gold Alaska Corporation own surface and subsurface rights to their land. As such, you are not allowed to mine the beach or the uplands of this privately owned land. ...
Who owns the offshore gold mining claims in Nome that …
The short answer is this: they aren't (for the most part) privately-owned "claims" as portrayed on the show. The mining rights on "claims" featured in BSG are actually owned by the state of Alaska and sold as 10-year "non-competitive offshore leases" at auction.
Alaska Federal Mining Claim Information
%PDF-1.6 %âãÏÓ 1680 0 obj > endobj 1702 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[8979866443134AECAAC60240383E1357>]/Index[1680 34]/Info 1679 0 R/Length 114/Prev 4153191/Root ...
Nome Mining District, Alaska
Alaska's Nome Mining District includes 448 nearby mines—104 occurrences, 133 prospects, 2 plants, and 209 producers. Located in Alaska. Click to open an interactive map. Learn more about the Bureau of Land Management, Public Land Survey System, and mining claims.
Nome Alaska
Today, Nome is an active community with several thousand residents. Gold mining continues to be an important economic activity to this day. Nome, Alaska September 22, 1899. Discovery of Gold. A January 1900 edition of The …
Nome Offshore Mining – Alaska Division of …
Nome, Alaska is located on the Seward Peninsula and is not accessible by road. This means all material must be barged or flown in. There are many mining opportunities offshore off Nome in Norton Sound including two public mining …
Nome Mining District, Alaska
Alaska's Nome Mining District includes 448 nearby mines—104 occurrences, 133 prospects, 2 plants, and 209 producers. Located in Alaska. Click to open an interactive map. Learn more …
Alaska Mining Claims Mapper
The Alaska Mining Claims Mapper is a custom view of land-records data related to mining that is provided by the Alaska Mapper application. Alaska Mapper is a web-based geographic information system (GIS) that allows you to locate Alaska land-records information by navigating an interactive map of the state.
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